Internet News
Interview with Matt Barrie
Today: Domain Wanted – Budget $500 / Appraisal of / ICA Annual Meeting in Las Vegas and More… Here are the new discussions that caught…
Web3 companies with domains at Squarespace are under attack
Attackers are hijacking domains to steal crypto assets. Many web3 companies are reporting that their domains registered at Squarespace (NYSE: SQSP) have been hijacked. Earlier…
Four more gTLDs in emergency measures
ICANN has thrown four more gTLDs into the Emergency Back-End Registry Operator program, presumably as a prelude to terminating their registry’s contracts in a few weeks. Asia Green IT…
New gTLDs and ccTLDs drive domain universe growth
The seasonally strong first quarter saw growth return to the domain industry, despite .com’s continuing woes, according to the latest edition of Verisign’s Domain Name Industry Brief. There were…
DNS company files antitrust lawsuit against GoDaddy
Company alleges that GoDaddy is unfairly blocking it from automating customers’ DNS change requests. A company that helps domain owners update DNS records has filed an antitrust lawsuit against…
Dot Com Wanted – Budget $500
Today: Facetoface.US Appraisal / The Panic of 1857 / Looking for Dot AI – Budget $500 and More… Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain…
.ART and HUG Announce Strategic Partnership to Empower Artists
.Art announced a partnership with HUG an art community founded by Randi Zuckerberg and Debbie Soon. From a domain standpoint the partnership will result in community members getting their…
Domain name registrar sues web3 metaverse company over its name
These two companies are fighting over the earth. The Website, Inc., which operates an ICANN-accredited domain name registrar called DotEarth, has sued (pdf) a web3 company called Dot Earth…
Interview with Matt Barrie
Today: Domain Wanted – Budget $500 / Appraisal of / ICA Annual Meeting in Las Vegas and More… Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the…
Descon Engineering Limited tries reverse domain hijacking
It tried to use UDRP to resolve a trademark dispute, not a cybersquatting dispute. Descon Engineering Limited has been found to have engaged in reverse domain name hijacking in…