DomainSherpa Review – January 25, 2024: Winners and Sore Losers
What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names? In this show:• The Sherpas skip The Domain Game as they recap the recent ICA Members Meetup…
Bison.ai sold for $50K Namecheap CEO shares some recent .ai domain name sales
TheDomains: Yesterday it was Baby.ai, today Richard Kirkendall of Namecheap tweeted out some previously undisclosed .ai domain name sales. Bison.ai being the highest at $50K. BisonAi.com is a developed…
Bison.ai sold for $50K Namecheap CEO shares some recent .ai domain name sales
Yesterday it was Baby.ai, today Richard Kirkendall of Namecheap tweeted out some previously undisclosed .ai domain name sales. Bison.ai being the highest at $50K. BisonAi.com is a developed website,…
.ai helps UDRP cases rise in 2023, WIPO says
The number of cybersquatting cases filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization increased 7% in 2023, WIPO said this week. The total UDRP filings, 6,192, includes national ccTLD variations…
.ai helps UDRP cases rise in 2023, WIPO says
The number of cybersquatting cases filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization increased 7% in 2023, WIPO said this week. The total UDRP filings, 6,192,…
About Domainers Magazine
Domainers Magazine is a website that covers the domain name industry, including news, analysis, and advice on domain name investing, sales, and development. The website was founded in 2005 and is published by The Nolte’s (Jerry & Cindy). Domainers Magazine is a one-stop shop for domain name investors, providing them with the latest news, trends, and insights on the domain name industry. The website also offers a variety of resources for domain name investors, including a domain name marketplace, a domain name appraisal tool, and a directory of domain name brokers.