Americans are deserting .com
Forget China, Verisign is now seeing most of its domain sales weakness coming from the US. The company revealed in its quarterly earnings call last week that .com and…
Sedo #GreatDomains auction results topped by RYY.com at $32,451 dollars
Sedo held its bi-monthly GreatDomains auction that took place from October 17 – 24, 2024. The Sedo auction attracted 169 domain submissions and the results are in. A total of…
Intentionality and Trademark Infringement
Today: Looking for Dot Com – Budget $1,000 / Appraisal of Coolbillionaire.com / Large or Small and More… Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain…
HUK TUAH: Norwegian entrepreneur upset they didn’t grab HUK.com
It’s been a rough week for Niklas Reinke Kaarlson, founder of HUK|TUAH Group AS, a New Hampshire formed start-up that leverages Norwegian trust funds. Kaarlson had his eyes set…
18 end user domain sales up to $26k
A rocket ship maker, an insurance company, and a boating site bought domain names. Sedo released to sales lists this week after taking last week off. For today’s post,…
About Domainers Magazine
Domainers Magazine is a website that covers the domain name industry, including news, analysis, and advice on domain name investing, sales, and development. The website was founded in 2005 and is published by The Nolte’s (Jerry & Cindy). Domainers Magazine is a one-stop shop for domain name investors, providing them with the latest news, trends, and insights on the domain name industry. The website also offers a variety of resources for domain name investors, including a domain name marketplace, a domain name appraisal tool, and a directory of domain name brokers.