Monthly expired .AI auction ends on New Year’s Day

Celebrate the holiday in front of your laptop.

.Ai in a futuristic looking design

Domain investors have something to do on New Year’s Day besides nurse a hangover and watch football: bid on .ai domain names.

This month’s expired .ai auction started on December 22, and since auctions last 10 days, that means you’re going to have to pay attention on the holiday.

There are some doozies in this month’s auction. leads the pack with 84 bids up to $38,000 as of the morning of December 28.,, and are in the four-figure range and will surely go up from there.

I suspect diehards won’t miss the bidding, but there might be an opportunity to pick up domains for a bit less because people have tuned out over the holidays. As for me, I won’t be glued to my computer all day tracking auctions. I’m heading to the Winter Classic hockey game in Seattle and then tuning in to watch Texas beat Washington in the Sugar Bowl.

Post link: Monthly expired .AI auction ends on New Year’s Day

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