
Dot Org Wanted – $200,000

Today: Looking for Dot Net – Budget $150 Each / Evaluation of Fabledmyth.com / Porkbun’s A Game Changer and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Looking for Dot Net – Budget $150 Each – Check your domain portfolio and see if you have what they are looking for. Cvc, vcv or four letter domain name as long as they are pronounceable.

Evaluation of Fabledmyth.com – Personally I like this domain name. How would you value it in today’s market?

Porkbun’s A Game Changer – A game changer with a new SedoMLS partnership. Do you think it will be a game changer for domain investors, for better or worse?

ShareYous.com Appraisal – An interesting two word dot com. Share Yous, sounds cringy. What do you think?

The 2024 Domain Summit Conference – The domain conference is underway and it is a party. An international crowd is flooding in to London.

Dot Org Wanted – $200,000 – Just one short word is all they needs. Well, multiple single short words and they are offering a good amount at $3,000 per a domain.

The post Dot Org Wanted – $200,000 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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