Internet News
Looking for one word .com – Budget $30,000
. Today: 4L .com Wanted – Budget $150 Per Domain / Evaluation / Sold for $12,500 / and More… Here are the new discussions that caught my…
Looking for one word .com – Budget $30,000
Today: 4L .com Wanted – Budget $150 Per Domain / Evaluation / Sold for $12,500 / and More… Here are the new discussions that caught my eye…
Dubai or Russia? Aleks(ander) claims treated him with “corporate racism”
Another day, another fringe report about on Trustpilot. This time around, a guy by the name of “Aleks” whose locale is recorded as being Turkey, left a negative…
Announcing’s and Dynadot’s Sponsorship of our Member Meeting!
The sponsor list for our upcoming event in Vegas is growing, and we couldn’t be more excited! In addition to our group of existing sponsors, Squadhelp with Hilco Digital, GoDaddy and, please help us…
DomainSherpa Review – October 19, 2023: See You Later, Alligator
What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names? In this show:• the Sherpas play The Domain Game (starting at the 51:36 mark), where they guess…
Layoff at GoDaddy Domains, Registrars and Investors Group
Domain Investing: I learned there was a round of layoffs this week involving GoDaddy’s Domains, Registrars, and Investors (DRI) Group. This is the team that interacts with domain investors…
DomainSherpa Review – October 19, 2023: See You Later, Alligator
What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?In this show:• the Sherpas play The Domain Game (starting at the 51:36 mark),…
- Another RDNH Finding on 3 Letter .com Domain Name
Domain Investing: A Belgian company called IBA SA filed a UDRP against the valuable domain name at the World Intellectual Property Organization. Not surprisingly, the sole panelist, Nick…
- UDRP on aged #domain ends with Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision!
The domain name was hit with a UDRP filed by IBA SA, Belgium. The Belgian company claimed that as early as in 2001 it sought to acquire the…
- Dot .com owners filed a UDRP to protect their brand
Ranger American of Puerto Rico, Inc. filed a UDRP against the domain to protect their established brand. The Complainant uses the .com domain since 1999. Some issues with…