Internet News
Pix Recorrente: quais as vantagens e como utilizar essa solução?
Zoop: O Pix Recorrente pode ser definido como um meio de pagamento periódico, cuja transação financeira acontece pelo sistema de pagamentos… Ver artigo The post Pix Recorrente: quais as…
Two top domainers fought for “The Love .com” – Who won the domain?
It’s a fun Sunday when DropCatch auctions close at 3:00pm Eastern. The domain was bid heavily on, with several domainers topping each other’s bids during the final 2…
Dinner at Domaine de Rymska
Dominik Mueller: This post is a look back at our dinner at Domaine de Rymska in the Couchois in between the Côte de Beaune and the Côte Chalonnais. Domaine…
- Sold for $16,749
. Today:Dogs.VC Appraised for $500 / WTB single word .org Wanted – Budget $10,000 / Looking for expiring .info – Budget $10/ per domain / and More… Here are the new…
- Sold for $16,749
Today:Dogs.VC Appraised for $500 / WTB single word .org Wanted – Budget $10,000 / Looking for expiring .info – Budget $10/ per domain / and More… Here are the new discussions…
Squadhelp: Premium domain listings exclude but this might change
Premium domain listings at Squdhelp are allowed to be cross-listed on Afternic and the Sedo MLS; in contrast, they are not allowed on Unlike Afternic that accepts domain…
- Sold for $28,000
. Today: Appraised for $1,510 / Evalution / Looking for Single English Word .io – Budget $500 / and More… Here are the new discussions that caught…
- Sold for $28,000
Today: Appraised for $1,510 / Evalution / Looking for Single English Word .io – Budget $500 / and More… Here are the new discussions that caught my…
DomainSherpa Review – October 12, 2023: Students of Excellence
What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names? In this show:• the Sherpas play The Domain Game (starting at the 24:16 mark), where they guess…
- UDRP ends with victory for owner of CVCV domain
A French company did very little research before filing a UDRP for the domain Zama SAS asserted rights to the ZAMA mark but no such mark exists in…